MAP Policy
ZLINE Kitchen and Bath General Terms and MAP Policy 2022
ZLINE Kitchen and Bath is focused on maintaining high margins for our distribution network. In recognition of the investment in time and resources required for our high‐quality products to provide the level of customer service and product knowledge expected from our customers, ZLINE is committed to enforcing policies that allow our resellers to maintain high-profit margins through the sale of our products.
ZLINE Kitchen and Bath MAP Policy:
ZLINE Kitchen and Bath has an established Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) Policy that an Authorized Reseller must follow for the advertising and marketing of ZLINE products. All ZLINE Kitchen and Bath Authorized Resellers must agree to the terms and conditions of the following MAP Policy.
MAP pricing for all ZLINE products can be found at Resellers are free to set the actual resale price of any product at or above MAP price given in the most recent publication of the price list. Advertising Guidelines are listed below.
The MAP policy applies to all media and advertising placements, including but not limited to: print ads (inserts, magazines, newspapers, catalogs, mail order catalogs, etc.) broadcast (radio and TV), direct mail, faxes, internet placement with third parties (banner ads, broadcast emails, destination pages, third‐party sites), internet placements on resellers own website, chat boxes, flyers, posters, banners etc.
- Free shipping and/or handling and free financing options do not violate the MAP policy. However, retailers may not advertise ZLINE products with 0% sales tax, discount codes, rebates, credits, auctions or any similarly situated price reduction. Offering a free product in addition to the purchase of a ZLINE product is also against our MAP policy.
- Resellers are allowed to offer 5% for first responders and military personnel as a special order or with a unique discount code, but the discount cannot be advertised anywhere online. If a partner is advertising this discount or is using a general code, this will be a MAP violation. This is the only exception to offer a discount and not violate our MAP policy.
- Resellers are not allowed to bundle products together without the authorization from ZLINE. If you do receive authorization to list bundles, a pre-approved list of bundles and MAP pricing will be provided to you. Bundles may only be listed on your approved retail site; bundles may not be listed on Amazon or any other 3rd party site.
- Resellers are not allowed to omit pricing and use language such as “Call for Price” or “Call for Quote”. Resellers are allowed to use the language “Login to See Pricing” for membership based retail sites, or “Add to Cart To See Price” as long as the price is set to MAP once the price is shown.
- ZLINE accessories are not allowed to be sold on Amazon under any circumstance. Retailers are also not allowed to use an amazon repricing tool for any ZLINE products.
- ZLINE products cannot be sold from one Reseller to another Reseller, unless authorized by ZLINE.
- ZLINE reserves the right to modify the MAP policy and/or change MAP prices at any time. ZLINE will decide whether these changes go into effect immediately or at a determined date.
MAP Promotions:
Retailers may participate in ZLINE Kitchen and Bath approved promotional periods. During these scheduled periods only, retailers have the option to temporarily reduce their advertised prices to levels that are equal to or greater than those specified on the promotional price list.
Kitchen bundle MAPs will not be affected if one or more products within the bundle are discounted during a promotional period. The list price for bundles can never fall below the provided MAP pricing, unless ZLINE provides a promotion on the bundles.
ZLINE will announce promotional periods at its discretion. Retailers cannot go below the promotional price and must return to standard MAP prices as soon as the promotional period ends. ZLINE will not honor any price match request for products that are listed below the everyday MAP once the promotional period ends.
Unauthorized 3rd Party:
ZLINE will immediately cease doing business with any retailer or direct marketing company that purchases ZLINE products from any source other than an authorized ZLINE source or sells/resells ZLINE products to unauthorized resellers. Retailers are not allowed to sell any ZLINE product on eBay, Craigslist, FB Marketplace, Discount Bandit and similar sites that ZLINE determines to be unauthorized.
Enforcement of MAP Policy:
ZLINE Kitchen and Bath will use an internal MAP monitoring software to efficiently enforce MAP across all retail partners. This information will not be shared externally and will only be used for our internal purposes.
If a MAP violation is noticed by ZLINE, a representative will reach out and give notice that the price must be raised to MAP or the advertisement breaking our MAP policy is removed within 24 hours. If the retailer fails to comply, then the account will be deactivated for 7 days. After the 7 days, ZLINE will do an audit and determine if the account will be reactivated. For the second offense with a 30-day period of the first offense, ZLINE will deactivate the account for 30 days. The second offense does not have to be the same SKU as the first offense.
At the sole discretion of ZLINE Kitchen and Bath, failure to comply with MAP, intentional and/or repeated failure to abide, may result in the immediate termination of Authorized Reseller status and your ability to purchase all ZLINE products both direct as well as through distribution.